Flight tracking for planes over Saxony (and other parts of Germany) via ADS-B:
tar1090 - ADS-B plane tracking interface
The tracking is possible with an ADS-B antenna located on the roof, some docker to fetch the data and move it to a cloud machine for distributing the data to various services like:
- c-l.it
- flightradar24.com
- flightaware.com
- adsbexchange.com
- radarbox.com
The setup as a short diagram:
|Active antenna|
|Bandpass Filter|
|Flightware Pro Stick|
|Raspberry Pi|
,-------------. ,------. ,-----------. ,--------------. ,--------.
|Flightradar24| |c-l.it| |Flightaware| |ADS-B Exchange| |Radarbox|
|-------------| |------| |-----------| |--------------| |--------|
- Active antenna - the physical antenna located on the roof, the only part (beside the cable) outside
- Bandpass Filter - to filter unwanted noise a dedicated Bandpass filter is installed to only filter the wanted 1090Mhz messages.
- Flightaware Pro Stick - USB device which has a SMA antenna connector, the hardware for decoding the messages
- Raspberry Pi - the SoC where the software is running at and which sends the data to the server.
The reason for sending the data to server is the flexibility - the Pi has only one target where it needs to send the data, the server has multiple services running which services the third party sites as Flightradar24.